This step rates each of three main aspects of this simplified cost benefit analysis in order to obtain a first result of the cost and benefits of the intervention. The following table shows the scaling rate you have to give to each aspect and the related colour code:
Give a rate from 1 to 3 to each aspect where 1 is “low”, 2 is “medium” and 3 is “high”. The cell becomes green, yellow or red depending on your choice to help a visual understanding of the results (1 is red, 2 is yellow, 3 is green).
In particular:
COLUMN H - How much is the intervention economically affordable
If you give 1: the intervention is particularly expensive and needs relevant public financing (e.g. big infrastructure works)
If you give 2: the intervention is expensive but a budget can be found for this intervention (e.g. public buildings insulation etc.)
If you give 3: the intervention is not very expensive and a budget can be found for its implementation (e.g. some free or very low cost intervention e.g. communication and information campaigns, switching lamps with higher efficiency ones in offices etc.)
COLUMN I - Expected CO2 reduction
If you give 1: the intervention does not generate relevant CO2 reductions
If you give 2: the intervention generates medium CO2 reductions
If you give 3: the intervention is expected to generate relevant CO2 reductions
COLUMN J - Economic savings
If you give 1: the intervention does not generate relevant economic savings
If you give 2: the intervention generates medium economic savings
If you give 3: the intervention is expected to generate relevant economic savings (e.g. energy efficiency measures in public buildings, direct renewable energy production etc.)
COLUMN L - Summary result
This column automatically calculates in a comprehensive assessment the average of ranking given in the previous three aspects. This cell is useful to decide which kind of intervention can be analyzed also in the other aspects included in Step 3 and eliminate those intervention that do not have a positive cost benefit analysis first evaluation.
• If you see a red cell in summary results, stop here the evaluation and continue with the following intervention.
• If you see a green or yellow cell, go ahead and continue with Step 3