1 Guide for developing the Mitigation and Adaptation Plan


We have seen in step 1 and step 2 how to develop a GHG emission inventory and how to evaluate the different policies that a Municipality can implement to reduce CO2 emissions.

At this point your Municipality is ready to develop the Mitigation and Adaptation Plan. The main objective of this guide is to assit your municipality in:

•  Developing a plan that includes all interventions that can reduce GHG emissions at municipal level;

• Involving municipality’s different sectors in understanding what they can do to reduce GHG emissions at local level;

• Setting targets and specific responsibilities to make easier monitoring results;


1.1 The Process


In order to accomplish these objectives the LAKS project has developed a “typical process” to follow and three tools  to assist step by step the Municipality in drafting the final document.

The main actions are included in the following table: